Pick You

Oritsemisan Ogbe
2 min readNov 20, 2020

earth has no heroes

Photo by Vince Russell on Unsplash

The only guarantee is that there is no guarantee.

There is no perfect place, no perfect time, no perfect organisation nor person that will bring your dreams to life.

Pick yourself, do the work. It may be the only time you’d see sunlight

This week, I have found myself reminiscing quite a lot. I have grown even though I often fail to notice it. I have had quite a number of wins, even though I quickly forget. I have been reminiscing lately but I really vibe to Seth Godin when he says pick yourself. I have been writing for a while now and while my goal is to write things that would be valuable for people trying to build more creative lives and careers I also want to be famous and ultimately earn a living off it.

It hasn’t been easy. Especially with a lot of my posts going virtually unnoticed. However, some days, I hit jackpot. I write something that hits a spot with people and gets more traction than I could ever imagine.

This week, however, I have come to realize some of my wins. I have come to acknowledge and appreciate the times I showed up and was able to accomplish things I couldn’t have dreamt of.

I am also learning to appreciate the times I showed up and there was nothing to show for it.

In all of this, I remember the words of Seth Godin

… do we have the guts to say that this might not work but I’m going to persistently and consistently and generously bring it forward and that is like the first pillar that anyone that thinks of themselves as a creative has to acknowledge. that if you are asking for a guarantee, you are in the wrong line.



Oritsemisan Ogbe

Multidisciplinary Artist, Thinker, Tech Writer, apriring tech bro, straddling the line between Tech and Creativity.